
注意: 2006/10/11 Update予定

Original Title:Reminder: Second Life Release Tomorrow (10/11/06)
Original Posted:Tuesday, October 10th, 2006 at 5:18 pm by Jeska Linden

Second Life 1.12.2(7)へのupdateが明日、2006/10/11 23:00-04:00(JST)(Oct. 11, from 7:00 AM PDT/SLT to 12:00 PM PDT/SLT) に行われる予定。
(先週延期になったやつ? 12:00 PM は 24h表記で12:00でいいのか?)
update内容はJosh’s Announcement from earlierも参照してください、とのこと。

Release Notes for Second Life 1.12.2(7) October 11, 2006
Other changes:
* llPushObject restrictions now prevent objects from being pushed
* Rolling update warnings are now broadcast repeatedly (5m, 4m, 3m, 2m, 60s, 45s, 30s, and 15s) and with earlier warning

Bug fixes:
* “Share with group” checkbox now correctly shows the permission setting
* Fixed a viewer crash with Top Scripts and “Show Beacon”
* Fixed a viewer crash when creating a landmark
* Fixed a bug where inventory was showing unworn items as worn
* Fixed “Copy to Inventory” and “Copy and Wear”
* Fixed a bug where descending into a parcel where you were banned would bounce you to 0,0
* “Return All” and “Return Selected” in Estate Tools now function correctly
* Group members no longer blocked from group-owned parcel if payment levels blocked
* Estate owners/managers are now exempt from access lists on their own estates
* Error message “you cannot log in until (time)” now displays correct time
* Offline friendship message no longer says “(resident) has to be your friend…”
* MacBook Pro: Function keys should no longer cause arrow keys to be “stuck”
* Reduced occurrences of gray avatars and avatars with “missing image” textures
* Several simulator and dataserver crash fixes
* Lots of changes to make the client/server protocols more secure

[修正] 2006-10-17 全文訳を追加